I like the soft color pink fron the rose gold.
How elegant and lovely it is!!
Sunday working became ordinary event ...
Go Junior ....
The Sea Pendant - Electroformed from the surface of a vertical slice of a seashell, the Sea Pendant was first made in copper, and then plated with pure silver. Once the initial film was plated to the shell face, I removed it from the shell and electroformed it under high anode to cathode ratio with heavy agitation to form this unique texture.
Artist Statement
Sharon has spent her creative life making studio jewelry and is perhaps best known for her carved jewelry forms. She carves forms inspired by nature – pods and flowers that have evolved from seed and a division of cells. They burst with life. Paradoxically, she works in materials that were once alive and now are dead: bone, horn and wood – they physically embody the life cycle. Forged metal elements lend a different kind of life force to the work. The rhythmic pounding of the metal spreads life like a heartbeat into elements that support and structure the work. Together, the carved and forged forms embody a symbolic language of growth and decay, death and renewal – timeless images that are at once tender and powerful. Her jewelry seeks to embody shimmering beauty along with its dark, damp and mysterious underpinnings. It is adornment that girds the wearer, jewelry that empowers, enables and protects. On the body, the work becomes spectacle. Both wearer and ornament combine to become a performance piece, creating an image that is fierce yet responsive.